The new era of high-pressure water mist


We have rethought everything essential in high-pressure mist nozzles. The result is a truly customer-centric product for the global high-pressure water mist market. Explore its superior benefits and guaranteed availability!

Aquapix Innovation


Globally patented high-pressure
water mist nozzle

Aquapix nozzle is a revolutionary invention with a 2-part patented nozzle body that allows for the implementation of all nozzle types on the same body. Only the dispersal plate (Aquapix-plate) between the nozzle body parts changes. This enables a cost effective manufacturing process and fast delivery times.

Dust Control – Coming Soon!

Aquapix also meets dust control needs

Water mist also has a dust-binding effect. The Aquapix product family will offer dust-binding solutions in the future, with applications including:

  • Mines
  • Conveyors
  • Loading and unloading points for dusty materials
    in ports and other locations


Aquapix products are installed through trained partners.
We are looking for partners in Finland and around the world.


New Freedom

We've freed customers from sourcing the entire system from one place. You can buy just the nozzles or all the components needed for the Aquapix system. Please ensure that components from other sources comply with Aquapix Diom guidelines.

Lower Cost

We've innovated the manufacturing process for nozzles to be cost-effective, resulting in a lower selling price for our products.

Guaranteed Availability

Modern projects requires swift action. We ensure fast delivery of Aquapix nozzles without waiting for weeks or even months. Easy installation and other firefighting-enhancing features are also promised.